Newsletter #50 - New Ideas

Newsletter #50 - New Ideas

Visa shenanigans are keeping me in the Netherlands for at least one more week. That will be 3 weeks instead of the intended 1 week.

It's quite disruptive to my schedule, so initially I pushed the newsletter backwards.

But I don't want to skip another week.

Also, I need a writing moment to sort out my ideas.

My previous app, Where Does The A380 Fly, is fully automated now.

It's time for a new idea.

Artificial Intelligence Ideas

AI is hot, it makes sense to come up with some ideas in this space:

(1) An app helping children draw: A child makes a drawing of a cat, and the AI turns it into a real image of a cat. Chatgpt can now recognise my cat image. The next step is to create an image of a real cat based on this. The real challenge here is to keep up with the pace of OpenAI and Stable Diffusion, they go so fast in a couple of months my app could be obsolete

(2) Dreamhouse AI: design your dream house with AI or ...

(3) ... Floorplan AI: Letting AI make your dreamhouse floorplan. It seems the AI tech isn't ready for this kind of thing yet

(4) Candidate Code Scanner: evaluate a candidate's technical skills by letting AI evaluate their public repos. Hiring is a lucrative market, and AI must be opening tons of opportunities. I should probably check the market for this, by reaching out to hiring managers.

Other ideas

(5) I'm gaining weight, maybe it's time to pick up the Healthy Entrepreneur blog again which I once intended to launch

(6) Something around nomadic families, sending their kids to schools everywhere in the world

(7) Something on the Twitter platform, given that the ecosystem keeps changing under Elon Musk's influence, and change brings opportunities

(8) Smile detector: still looking for something which incentives people to smile more while working.

(9) Scraping price data for Flights For Flaneurs, I'm reluctant cause everything travel just looks hugely expensive. FlightConnections has to run so much ads to just keep the platform up it seems (that's an assumption, maybe he just tries to maximise profit on short term)

(10) The cheapest flight out, for visa purposes, or if you want to pick someone up in the terminal and need a cheap ticket to do so. Way too much of a niche product.

(11) Making a boring product fun, something like Jira, billing apps, investment apps (eg Robinhood). This is the holy grail, but also labor intensive.

The biggest opportunities are probably in AI, as this is the field with the most moving pieces (and hence opportunity!)

I'm reluctant because it's also the hardest (and most expensive).

Which means I should probably do something AI,

And outsource any other idea.

I want to build something lifestyle!

I want to build something fun

Reading Elon Musk's biography also enticed me to work on big problems

Maybe I'm focusing too much on building something valuable.

If I keep building fun stuff the ideas will keep flowing!

For example, my final idea:

A navigation app which focuses on "minimum standing still time".

No traffic jams, no traffic lights.

Because the baby wakes up when we stand still.

Probably way too much of a niche, but fun nevertheless!

Have a great week!


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Hi! I'm Joris

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