Newsletter #58 - Alea Iacta Est !

Newsletter #58 - Alea Iacta Est !

I write to document my thinking at that exact moment in time. I wrote the draft for this newsletter last week, in the moment.

10 days ago Monday Toyota announced they wouldn’t extend my contract as the USD JPY exchange rate is making me significantly more expensive

Two days later on Wednesday they informed that due to headcount pressure they also won’t be able to convert me to full time if I would want to.

That means the Toyota story comes to an end.

I’m very appreciative of the people’s open communication and honesty. Some of the smartest people I worked with were in this team. I enjoyed my time very much

Strangely my default reaction was optimism.

A weird feeling of freedom, happiness, energy, ... Maybe a little uncertainty here and there.

A feeling of regret, leaving people I liked working with behind.

At the same time my mind shifted super fast, before I noticed it myself.

While I’m still working on Toyota work, my mind is in a different space. It's is already a few months ahead, enjoying the search for new opportunities, new ideas, connecting with new people.

I have no idea what the next step is.

It also doesn’t worry me (yet).

At this time my mind only sees the positive:

  • New learnings
  • New connections
  • New ventures and opportunities to explore
  • Reaching out and speaking to many people

I’m sure the next few months will be a rollercoaster.

This state of uncertainty always creates highs and lows.

Highs and lows which are way more intense compared to being in a routine day job.

Like a drunk euphoria one moment, and the hangover the next.

But for now, I’m on a high, and I intend to keep this high as much as possible.

And it’s feeling good!

Signing off !

Hi! I'm Joris

This is my weekly braindump. You can read it, but I don't write it for you, I write it for me.

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